Daily Devotion Faith Life Politics

When Telling The Truth Is Revolutionary

“In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” [George Orwell]


There’s No Such Thing as A Good Mob or A Good Lynching – Some Perspective Is Needed

Mobs are highly contagious. The light of truth prevents the spread.

Faith Life Politics

The Real Price of Winning the Presidency at Any Cost

Conservatives are left to hope President Elect Biden is more like “Uncle Joe” and less like the Biden family enterprise.

Faith Life Politics

The Making of Public Policy 101

The brutal reality is not having the COVID-19 threat to exploit, would have cost the democrats the election.

Faith Life Politics

The Democrat Strategy for COVID19 – Warp Fear and Paper Ballots

… COVID-19 led the democrat death march across the swing states … the Trump administration pledged relief was on the way….

Daily Devotion Faith Life Politics

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”

…To everything there is a season…” this is a season of war, not in the physical realm, but in the spiritual:

Faith Life Politics

“I see Nothing!” Worked for Sgt. Schultz … Not for Media Coverage of 2020 Election

…the Supreme Court awaits their emasculation, trampled by the new media blitzkriegs headlong rush to crown the next president…

Farming Politics

Wrapping up late winter wheat seeding

… long hours on the tractor give lots of time for thinking…

Faith Life Politics

Comfort Food and Comfort News have Something in Common

..Sixty-four percent of Americans identify social media as their primary source of information…

Life Politics


In this new age of unreason, fear mongering fueled by accusations and hyperbole, replace thoughtful debate.