Faith Life Politics

“The BIG Lie”

A lie so “colossal” no one dare question…hmmmm

“The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so ‘colossal’ that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”

Big Lie – Wikipedia

A steady stream of “colossal” accusations have been publicly promulgated against President Trump. Most of them stemming from a charge that the president “colluded,” with the Russians, to steal the 2016 election.

The most colossal, of colossal accusations, claimed the president was a “Traitor” and a “Russian Plant,” along with a host of other poll tested unseemly defamations. Not having any evidence to back their allegations, didn’t prevent the president’s accusers from branding him a liar when he denied their veracity.

The passage of time has shown the president’s vocal objections were justified. Both, special counsel Mueller’s report, and the long awaited non-partisan Inspector General’s (IG) Report, conclusively disproved the Russia Collusion fantasies. The IG, Michael Horowitz’s investigation shed much light on the behavior of the president’s accusers.

This group of mostly partisan democrats, but some republicans; fed by leaks from accomplices in the intelligence community and fueled by much of the media, llustrates the worst of human nature. Lust for power, unchecked by Biblical morals, will justify any means to achieve that end.

Pathetically clinging to the reins of power, their pious claims notwithstanding,; the behavior of these power mongers, plants the seeds of corrupt governance. If these seeds are allowed to take root, their fruit of anarchy and resistance, pose a genuine threat to America’s ability for effective self governance.

Cloaking these devious schemes to overturn an election, in religious hypocrisy and disingenuous constitutional poppycock, adds to the revulsion.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

Galations 6.7

By Merle Mullet

A farmer knows, the seeds we sow are the seeds we harvest. Except by God's grace, life works that way most of the time. I am deeply indebted to my creator, the one and only true God who gives life to all things by his grace, through his son Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the lessons I've learned from my farming heritage and the privilege of partnering in the cycle of life each new growing season.

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